O jednym z typów zachowań ingracjacyjnych - prezentacja pozytywna ingracjatora: ogłoszenia matrymonialne w prasie polskiej
On a type of ingratiating behaviour - ingratiator s positive presentation: matrimonial advertisements in Polish press
The purpose of the article is to show linguistic means of increasing one s attractiveness in matrimonial advertisements. The advertisements were published in Kontakt ( Contact ) and Matrymonialno-Towarzyski Kontakt ( Social and Matrimonial Contact magazine) in 2000-2003. Matrimonial advertisements are considered a manifestation of ingratiating behaviour. Possibilities of self-presentation and creating the partner s image were presented on a scale ranging from self-presentation without creating the partner s image to the presentation of requirements concerning the partner alone. A matrimonial advertisement is regarded as the initiating component in the relation chain of a communicative.