최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Словообразовательные гнезда, мотивированные глаголами: предварительный анализ

Derivational nests motivated by verbs: preliminary research

Among methods used for a description of derivational system, Slavonic studies use one called nests method . It concentrates on groups of words (called derivational nests ) connected by derivational relation. The method enables lexicographical description of derivation, and was already used in derivational dictionaries - Russian (Tichonov 1986), Ukrainian (Karpilovska 2002), Slovak (Sokolova et al. 2005) and Polish (Vogelgesang 2001; Jadacka et al. 2001; Skarżyński et al. 2004; Skarżyński 2004). The article presents results of preliminary research on derivational nests built around Polish verbs. The author, using a quantitative method, worked out general characteristic of deverbative derivation, defined a set of derivational models and their productivity, showed central and peripheral zones of deverbative derivation in contemporary Polish language.
