최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

연산생성문법에서 메타언어의 해석과 자연언어의 기술문제 Ⅰ

Some Problems of the interpretation for a metalanguage and the description for a natural language in APM - Ⅰ

Many theories of generative grammar have attempt to comprehend human ability to use language. Applicative Generative Model(APM) is the most suitable tool that is to be suggested to success in attempting to understand human use of language. Once this APM is completed and its analyzed data is computerized, it may be a possible assumption to be made that APM will be installed to a robot. In this article I want to present 3 key points to give the possibility of installing APM on a robot a little more probable chance. 1) Can all words be classified into the 5 relators? 2) Does a relator word have a syntactical function? 3) How do we understand the relationship between episemion and semion using the basis of an abstract generator.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 문제점의 제기

3. 논의 및 극복방안

4. 결론


