In article the role of families of words in the system organization of lexicon, an opportunity of their modelling with the help of new computer technologies for the purposes of comparative studying within one or several languages is considered on the materials of electronic Root families of words dictionary of the Ukrainian language by author. Various types of families of words depending on the character of formal - semantic relations between words in their structure - root, word-formative or mixed (word-formative - root) are analysed as well as peculiarities of their formal and semantic structure are studied. Opportunities of root homography as system parameter of order are demonstrated at the level of families of words tops - roots and members of such families - certain words. The special attention is given to tradition of families of words studying in the Ukrainian linguistics.
Ⅰ. Традиция изучения гнезд слов в украинском языкознании
Ⅱ. Принципы моделирования гнезд слов в 《Корневом гнездовом словаре украинского языка》
Ⅲ. Гнезда в иерархии лексических комплексов
Ⅳ. Гнезда и надгнездовые комплексы слов как объект сопоставительного изучения языков