최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

언어사전, 백과사전, 그리고 보편사전

Language dictionary, encyclopedia, and universal dictionary

The purpose of the current paper is to investigate various forms of dictionaries - language dictionary, encyclopedia, and universal dictionary that has features of both previous two dictionaries, and theoretical trends of information description in various types of dictionaries. There are two types of dictionaries in linguistic tradition - language dictionary and encyclopedia. This division of dictionaries was caused by the early lexicographical tendency, which distinguish linguistic information from encyclopedic one. However, our experience tells that it is not always possible to divide linguistic and encyclopedic information of a word. The contemporary language dictionaries often include information about an entity meant by a word, i.e. encyclopedic information, and this trend conflicts with the linguistic tradition of the distinction of language dictionary and encyclopedia. However modern lexicography often provides linguistic and extralinguistic information simultaneously. This contemporary trend motivates a new form of dictionary called a universal . The universal dictionary is a result of lexicographers intention to provide information about a word and reality referred to by the word as thoroughly as possible.

1. 머리말

2. 언어사전과 백과사전

3. 보편사전(백과사전적 언어사전)

4. 보편사전의 유형

5. 맺음말


