최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

체코어 관용적 직유의 수중서식동물 어휘소

Czech phraseological expressions of simile with underwater animals in comparatum

  • 4

This paper aims to analyze Czech phraseological expressions of simile with underwater animals in comparatum as a subtype of phraseology and idiomatics. In the Czech language, these expressions are formed through a fixed combination of vocabulary or lexicon, which at a glance could be considered illogical or non-transparent. However, these combinations reproduce final meaning of this combination of specific vocabulary. Phrasemes and idioms are found in every regular language. They are one of the most important components of language and provide a means to bridge gaps in comprehension and understanding of specific language. Typical patterns of phraseological expressions of simile in the Czech language are defined with their comparative conjunction as a grammatical index: -jako/-jak. The inventory of lexemes concerning underwater animals in the range of phraseological expressions of simile in the Czech language is also related to the Czech culture and its geographical environment. Paradigmatic substitution in phraseological expressions of similes with underwater animals in comparatum is very restrictive in pragmatic substitution. However, in this category, the inventory of substitutable lexems of underwater animals in comparatum also can form the relations of synonym, antonym, and hyperonym-hyponym from the view of a vertical approach. In contrast to idioms or phrasemes, meaning of collocation is very clear, because simile is derived from the similarity between the comparandum mostly as an antropomorphized referent and the comparatum of underwater animals. In usage of phraseological expressions of simile with underwater animals in comparatum for realistic descriptions, negative or positive evaluation is excluded. In the case of nominalized expressions for ellipsis of the comparator, the rhetoric boundary is often flexible between the metaphor and metonym, and hence the clear rhetoric definition for the reproduced expressions could be open. Although the phraseological expressions of simile with underwater animals in comparatum are grounded on similarity that can be related with the icon of the language sign. However, all three kinds of signs are interactive in this research category. The investigation presented in this paper will also be helpful for Korean learners performance by lending enhanced understanding of bohemian studies and related concepts of language culture from various points of view.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 관용적 직유 범주 구성과 관용적 직유의 수중서식동물 어휘소별 유형

Ⅲ. 양서류(obojživelník) 및 파충류(plaz)와 관련한 관용적 직유

Ⅳ. 결론


