The article shows how Polish speakers from Middle Ages to contemporary times named other people. The language material consists only of appellative expressive examples of vocabulary, so the research object is an expressive kind of people nominative process. The main problem is to describe dynamics factors of expressive vocabulary in two aspects: formal and semantic. Very important problem is the question of expressive vocabulary stability. Of course, many words disappeared, but - what is much more important - the nominative models are stable and that is why we can treat expressive lexis as stable in general. There are two factors which influence on the stability of expressive nominative process and make the lexis the ordered area of the language: 1. the communicative and cultural community performing a major role in the process of conceptualizing the world contributes to a great degree of stabilization decisive in the nomination process; 2. a fairly important stability of the name-making models within the scope of a given semantic macro-field, reflecting the stability of certain cognitive processes.
1. Formal aspect of dynamics
2. Semantic aspect of dynamics
3. Conclusion