최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

불가리아어의 발칸 언어적 요소에 대한 언어문화사적 특질 연구

A Balkan Linguistic Features in Bulgarian

This paper aims to describe the balkan linguistic features in Bulgarian. For this purpose, the author compared the linguistic features in balkan languages in the fields of phonetic-phonology, morphology and syntax. On the basis of this research, the author can describe the results as follows: 1. Bulgarian is the language with Slavic and Balkan linguistic features(base part-Slavic, upper part-Balkan). 2. In Bulgarian, there is many balkan linguistic features in the fields of morphology and syntax, not in phonetic-phonology. 3. Bulgarian enclitic definite article is the example of language contact result between Slavic and Balkan languages. Also from the view points of the it s usages, we can find the phenomenon that eastern dialect of Bulgarian is more open to another language culture and western dialect of Bulgarian is conservative feature to the another language and cultures.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 중심말

3. 맺는말


