최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

О классификациях русских эмоциональных предикатов

On the classification of Russian Emotion Predicates

The paper is devoted to the classification of Russian Emotion Predicates on the basis of their semantic and syntactic characteristics. Russian Emotion Predicates have been classified in many different ways. Some researchers paid attention to their ontological or axiological aspects, i.e. abstract semantic classes or positive / negative values. Some divided this predicate group into some subgroups, which vary from 6 to 37, based on their lexical meanings. Others tried to approach to them with the concept of metaphor. We assume that more attention has to be paid to the syntactic features of this predicate group. Although syntactic features were not absolutely ignored in the other researches, they have not been taken into consideration in the classification or just the features like syntactic valencies, which do not presuppose the meaning of the predicates, have been considered. Thus we adapted syntactic as well as semantic criteria to the classification of Russian Emotion Predicates. The types of predicate, causativeness, dynamism and metaphoric meaning were used as the criteria for the classification. Depending on the predicate types Russian Emotion Predicates can be divided into Emotion Adjectives(grusten, rad), Categories of Emotion State(obidno, strashno), Emotion Verbs(radovat sja, udivit sja) and Emotion Phrasal Predicates(byt v vostorge, drozhat ot strakha, menja okhvatilo volnenie). These Predicate types are related to the different emotional situations or the speaker s different interpretations of the situations. Emotion Verbs and Emotion Phrasal Predicates can be divided into the smaller subgroups. Emotion Verbs can be divided into Causative and Non-causative emotion verbs, depending on the grammatical subject of causer, and into Dynamic and Static emotion verbs, depending on the changes of the situation in the time axis. Emotion Phrasal Predicates are closely related to the metaphor. The most frequent emotion metaphors in Russian, i.e., symptom, spatial and force metaphors are used in Emotion Phrasal Predicates. We consider the Russian Emotion Predicates as a multi-dimensional system and classify them on the basis of two different levels, i.e., semantic and syntactic levels with some different criteria such as the predicate type and causative, dynamic, metaphoric meaning. We assume that this multi-dimensional classification of Russian Emotion Predicates reflects better their multi-dimensional nature and explains them more systematically and objectively.

0. Введение

1. Онтологический похдод - Семантические типы

2. Аксиологический подход - положительная / отрицательная оценка

3. Прямой способ - косвенный способ выражения (метафора)

4. Лексико-семантическнй и семантико-синтаксический подходы

5. Альтернативный семантико-синтаксический подход

6. Заключение


