최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

자연부류 단어들의 의미기술

On the semantic description of natural-kind words

  • 6

Lexicographers must change their view about the semantic component in dictionary definitions. The definition of an entry word has to include encyclopedic information retrieved by the stereotype. In addition to factual information about a referent, denotational information of a conceptual stereotype and information by cultural association with an item should be given in a dictionary. Especially words for natural kinds have to have all the information above. These ideas are not just a bundle of necessary-sufficient features, but acquired by stereotypical features. This corresponds to a language theory emphasizing the role of a prototype in folk classifications. From a perspective of cognitive linguistics, meanings may be inaccurate just showing denotational meaning. We, lexicographers carry a duty of providing a basis for correct definitions by stereotypical information. These definitions by stereotypical information are better than the definitions in the current dictionaries. Definitions for natural kinds cannot be reduced to a schema or a type, but require a standard system what to be described in the definitions.

1. 머리말

2. 자연부류 단어들에 대한 이론적 관점

3. 맺음말


