최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

문화 간 의사소통 전략 연구

Intercultural Communication, Language Use and Language Changes

  • 12

This paper aims to create the intercultural communication tactics through the analysis about language uses and changes in the Russian and Bulgarian Phrase. For this purpose, the author compared the outstanding phrase in Russian and Bulgarian. On the basis of this research(as a pilot research), the author provides the following research methods and sample test results : 이미지 참조 In this article, among others, the most interesting 2 examples are specially tested by above mentioned process and selected Белый, Бял, свет, ден, лапаб ръка as the intercultural core words. The examples are: - белого света не видеть(R.)/ бял ден да не видиш(ВG.) - наложить лапу на чужое имущество(R.)/ слагам ръка на имущество(ВG.)

1. 들어가는 말

2. 중심말

3. 맺는말


