최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Лингвокультурологический аспект сопостави-тельного изучения русского и корейского языков(на примере понятия «коннотативная зона языка»)

Lingua-culturology Aspect of Comparing Analysis of the Russian and Korean Languages (on Material of Notion <Connotative Zone of Languages >)

Neogumboldtsionism is being successfully developed in the modern linguistics, along with the linguistic relativity theory, united with the anthropocentrism approach. Linguistic means are containing some additional information related with their national and cultural character. The culture-language connotation involves the capability to associate lingual data with the world outlook of the lingua-culturology community. The full-fledged study and usage of the Russian and Korean languages is connected with exposition as ethnic purity connotation of the language means, characterizing the Russian and Korean lingua-culturology community. Important cultural information is contained in the color naming, since the color language of the human beings is mental by its nature. Colors are accepted by the people as some meanings. A color is one of the ancient universal symbols. The color naming in the Russian and Korean worldview get non-color meanings, which appear at combination of the same with other words, when formatting new concepts. Necessity of the further detailed comparative research of Russian and Korean languages in lingua-culturology aspect is obvious.

1. Введение

2. Лингвокультурологическая интерпретация коннотативной зоны русского и корейского языков

3. Особенности коннотативной зоны цветообозначений

4. Заключение


