최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[연구논문] Catholic Approaches to Procreation and Infertility

DOI : 10.35230/pb.2022.12.1.5
  • 26

Infertility is a worldwide problem today. The more conventional approach of medicine would be to diagnose the causes and correct them, so that the fertility potential of the couple would permit them to conceive naturally. However, since the advance of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, it has become a lucrative industry that seek to help anyone to procure a child. Lately, natural procreative processes such as NaPro Technology have arisen that can restore couples’ fertility potential through proper diagnosis and treatment. The Catholic Church prefers these latter approaches not only because they are truer to the nature of medical practice, but because they are more consistent with a healthy vision of human sexuality, procreation, and marriage.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. ART vs. Assisted Natural Procreative Processes

Ⅲ. Catholic Perspective on Procreation

Ⅳ. Comparison between IVF and NPT

Ⅴ. Conclusion
