This study attempted non-face-to-face collaborative product development practice that can respond to the spread of COVID-19 by expanding existing product data management system-based product development practice. For the complete non-face-to-face product development practice, it utilized prototype development using a 3D paper model, an online class management system and social media for classes and meetings. As a result of applying the non-face-to-face method, product developments of 26 practice teams have been completed without any failures. Therefore, through this study, the author can confirm that it is possible to provide the complete non-face-to-face collaborative product development practice based on product data management systems.
I. 서론
II. 관련 연구
III. 비대면 환경의 협동제품개발 실습과제 제약조건
IV. 협동제품개발 실습과제
V. 결론