본 논문은 마그립지역의 베르베르 족의 문화와 언어에 대한 연구이다. 2장에서는 모로코, 알제리 베르베르 부족의 문화와 사회적 양상을 다루고 3장에서는 베르베르어의 통시적 연구 주로 유럽의 비교언어학을 통한 통시적 연구를 소개하고, 베르베르어의 사회적 기능, 이중언어현상을 연구하고, 마지막으로 베르베르어의 음성적, 형태론적 특징을 분석함으로서 소수민족에 대한 국내의 연구의 방향과 방법을 제시하는데 목적이 있다.
This paper proposes to introduce the Berber culture and language as a minor tribe of more than 25 million people living in North Africa, the Sahara Desert, and Sahalian West Africa. To introduce the Berber culture and languages, the paper, in the second section, deals with the Berber society and culture according to the main tribes and, in the third section, reports on the results of the research of the Berber languages conducted by European scholars. In addition to that, this part suggests a set of phonological, morphological rules of the Berber languages and surveys the social function of the Berber languages in Morocco, Algeria, Tunis. The Berber language s using region is very broad. Also, the Berber language has the characteristics of the isolated language (linguistic island) because it doesn t have relevance with the languages used in North Africa. In the past, it had once been a single unified language, but now it is not configured. The distribution of Morocco s Berber language is relatively unified while the Berber language in Algeria and Tunisia has a different distribution. A reduction of the Berber population according to the urbanization and population movements provoked a big change in the Berber language s using range. These various elements didn t make the Berber see themselves as a national unit or a political presence. The paper concludes that a study on the Berber culture and language deserves to be made as a study on the minor tribes, stressing the need of the studies on the minor tribes in Korea and settling an objective viewpoint of the problems of minor tribes.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 베르베르족의 사회와 문화
Ⅲ. 베르베르어
Ⅳ. 결론