최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

국내 주요 직업병 및 생활제품 위해 사건과 전문가의 역할

Occupational and Environmental Safety Issues in South Korea and Their Implications for Health Experts

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2022.48.1.19
  • 84

The industrial development and socioeconomic structures of a society are inextricably linked to occupational accidents and diseases. Since the 1970s, a series of major occupational diseases have occurred in South Korea, such as mercury poisoning in Munsong-myeon, carbon disulfide poisoning at Wonjin Rayon, and leukemia at Samsung Electronics. These incidents have caused us to take a critical look at the level of worker safety and health management within companies and the government. These serve as symbolic and representational events. Doctors, lawyers, and labor activists concerned about employee safety and lives came together for years to struggle with the government and industry in order to determine what caused the diseases and to obtain compensation for victims. They finally achieved recognition for occupational diseases and recompense for losses. It is difficult to find similar cases to the baby powder asbestos talc cases and the radon bed case internationally, or there is no case where such a large number of consumers have been potentially harmed. It is also difficult to prove that the damage took place due to the victims diverse geographic locations and ages, as well as the disease’s long incubation period. Based on this premise, businesses and the government have been apathetic in acknowledging these diseases and compensating for damages, with few practical outcomes. Furthermore, unlike the large-scale occupational disease cases, only a few people including expert groups were organized and actively participated in the settlement of these issues, so it remains unfinished business for our society to address.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 1970년대 이후 주요 직업병 및 잠재적 국민건강 위해 사건의 경과와 대응

Ⅳ. 주요 직업병 및 소비자 위해 사건이 주는 교훈 고찰

Ⅴ. 결 론

Conflict of Interest

