The silver inlaid iron incense brazier(University of Dongguk Museum) with the inscription of Buseoksa Temple and its height of 37cm is the unique peace on which inlaying technique on pecked iron surface is applied for decorating patterns in the incense burners. It obtains inlaid letters of ‘己未年三月日(March kimi Year)’ on the upper part surface, which addresses to the year of 1739, and ‘Buseoksa’ meaning Buseoksa Temple in Teabaik Mountain, on the lower part. In the bottom of the brazier pole, the names of manufacturer are engraved in the shape of trapezoid with longer vertical height. On the name list, 李弘成(Lee hong sung) is found and regarded as leader technician in the burner manufacturing. According to the record of 儀軌(the royal protocols of Joseon Dynasty) he was affiliated to hunguk with the title of 入絲匠(master technician in inlaid skill), and also assigned to 寶匠(made the royal seals) as a 京工匠(made them for the royal court). On this background, he could invent new type of incense burner and produced it differ from the e×isting type of bronze incense burner. In relation to the Buseoksa Temple incense brazier, three pieces of silver inlaid iron incense brazier(Buddhist Museum of jikjisa Temple) are the cases of temple made caldronshape burner with letters of chronological data and names of patrons. The inscriptions illuminates the fact that 泰鑑(Taegam, 1690-1769), a master monk, supported to produce the silver inlaid iron incense burners in 1750. All the three burners are identical with the height(35cm), formation, patterns, and even the inscriptions. Assuming the monk Taegam served in the post of Sueocheong of which mission devoted to defend Namnansanseong, the manufacturer can be inferred a technician belonging to Ogunyeong. This paper aims to analyze the formations of iron incense braier and iron censer, and, then, inlaying technique on pecked iron surface and the applied patterns. In addition to the comparative analysis between jikjisa Temple silver inlaid iron incense brazier and Buseoksa Temple silver inlaid iron incense brazier, research on governmental manufacture organizations and management process of products in each special technique in eighteen century will be a fundamental ground in this study.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 18세기 입사장 소속과 작업범주
Ⅲ. 부석사명 철제은입사향완과 직지사철제은입사향로 비교
Ⅳ. 맺음말