This article examines some under-appreciated aspects of the Zhizheng Tiaoge, the Statutes of the Zhizheng Era. After its discovery in Korea in 2002, in 2021 the Statutes of the Zhizheng Era was officially recognized as an official Treasure of Korea, registered under the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea. In order to commemorate its official recognition, this article uncovers some of the less-known aspects of this document, including but not limited to the an broader discussion of its contents and the nature of the documents, the introduction of the Statutes of the Zhizheng Era from Mongolia to Korea and its significance, and some unreported stories behind the designation by the Korean government.
1. 서론
2. 쟈삭, 법전 그리고 『至正條格』
3. 『至正條格』의 한국 유입
4. 『至正條格』의 발견과 보물 지정
5. 결론