최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

대몽골국 초기 몽골고원으로 유입된 외래물품의 변화상

Changes in Imported Goods into the Mongolian Plateau in the Early Period of the Great Mongol Empire

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The paper highlights the cultural exchanges and their transformation between the Mongol nomadic world and the outer sedentary worlds by analyzing the goods circulation and its change in the early period of the Great Mongol Empire (Yeke Mongγol Ulus). The Great Mongol Empire enjoyed more actively cultural and commercial exchanges with the surrounding regions, while it conducted military war to conquest and wielded its strong influence over the conquered in the eras (1229-1259) from Ögödei qa’an to Möngke qa’an succeeding Chinggis qan. More diverse foreign items flowed into Qaraqorum and its metropolitan area from close and distant areas in this period. In chapter 2 the paper describes major foreign goods entering Mongolia in the Ögödei qa’an’s reign as the time changed. The newly built capital city of Qaraqorum and its surroundings earned its fame of a worldly metropolitan area due to the centralist rule and successful conquest wars of Ögödei qa’an. Since then, textiles such as nasīj(納石失), a high-quality silk woven with gold threads, jewelry such as gold, silver, coral, ruby, and pearls, various food, and beverages like grain and grape wine constantly flew into the capital from sedentary areas. Chapter 3 analyzes foreign goods during the era of Güyük qa’an and depicts the economic situation in the Mongolian grassland. Plano de Carpini’s travelogue Historiae Mongalorum confirmed that plenty of external goods and materials from all parts of Eurasia, as well as envoys, craftmen, and farmers entered the Mongolian plateau in the period. Even Russian subjects had to offer various skin products, including sable leather, to the empire. Chapter 4 examines the economic transformation in Mongolia as various foreign products were introduced in Möngke qa’an’s era. In particular, as shown in Rubruck’s Itinerarium, diverse merchandise formed a market for trading various grains, animals, and carts outside a gate of Qaraqorum city. During this period, imported goods included grain, animals, fur, silk, gold, silver, and pearls. A variety of strangers such as envoys, engineers, farmers, and slaves, were forcibly or voluntarily brought to the capital. In conclusion, while Chinggis qan gained a large number of overseas products by plundering in war against the sedentary worlds, his successors brought more caravans and more diverse foreign goods into Mongolia through the conquest war. In the following era of Qubilai qa’an, strangers represented by Marco Polo gathered to Qanbaliq(modern Beijing) and Xanadu(Shangdu), the new metropolitan areas of the empire along the well-established ǰamči(驛站) network.

1. 머리말

2. 우구데이 카안 시기 외래물품의 변화

3. 구육 카안 시기 외래물품의 변화

4. 뭉케 카안 시기 외래물품의 변화

5. 맺음말
