최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대 몽골어와 터키어의 직접목적어 비교연구

The Usage of Direct object that Modern Mongolian and Turkish Languages Consider the Connection with Usage of a Vocative

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Turkish, Mongolian, Manchu-Tungus, Korean and Japanese languages are Altaic languages branching out from an ancient Altaic language that have some common features in terms of phonetics system, word structure, sentence structure, and root of vocabulary. However, those common features are those languages are out independently branched and varies depending on the influence of the foreign language. Among the Altaic languages, Mongolian is considered to be the closest to Turkic. Scientists have concluded that the phonetics, vocabulary, morpheme, and sentence structure of the two languages are very similar. L.Ligeti, K.Grönbech, G.Doerfer, and D.Sinor, etc some scientists believe a number name with common and intermediate has not been in these languages. It is due to the fact of located neighborliness and interaction with each other during many centuries, that appears in the vocabulary, due to borrowing from Turkic language to the Mongolian language. So they denied that these two languages are related to the Altaic language. I thought it was important, that based on linguistic forms, except for similar vocabulary features to determine the common features of the Mongolian and Turkic languages. The object plays the main role in the construction of the sentence that to point to the subject, or an object is directly or indirectly hit to action; to appear by nouns; to shape by case; connected to the sentence by reducing conjunction; to spread the meaning of the subject; etc. The direct object is always connected to the transitive verb, to shape by vocative and, this is more complicated than the use of another vocative, which is formed in indirect objects. In other words, the direct object of the Mongolian language and its formation are related to the distinguished and indistinguishable rule. Turkic language is the same root language as the Mongolian language, it is also shaped by vocative when expressing a direct object. “Differentiated object marking (DOM)- Differentiated marking of the direct object.” thus has decides the usage of the direct object. In order to own and recognize the phenomena of man and the world as much as possible, and vocative is an important role in distinguishing one thing from many others. So to study the usage of direct objects in both languages and clarifying the usage of the direct object is study is very important in determining the common features of modern Mongolian and Turkish languages.

1. 서론

2. 현대 몽골어의 직접목적어쓰임

3. 현대 터키어의 직접목적어쓰임

4. 결론
