Монгол солонгос хэлний нийлэмж үгийг танин мэдэхүйн дүрийн бүдүүвчийн аргаар судлах нь: Ч.Лодойдамба “Тунгалаг тамир” романы солонгос орчуулгын ‘Ам/입’ жишээгээр
Image-schematic Metaphor and a Study on Mongolian and Korean Collocation Case study: Korean translation of Mongolian word ‘am/mouth’ in Clear Tamir River novel by Ch. Lodoidamba
In this paper, various aspects of image-schematic metaphor are studied, focusing on the mouth of Mongolian and Korean collocation in a cognitive linguistic approach. This study focused on Ам/mouth in Ч.Лодойдамба 『Тунгалаг тамир』 and Yoo Won Soo s 『Clean Tamir River』, and in the extension of meaning, there were more negative expressions than positive expressions in terms of the function of the mouth adopting Lakoff & Johnson s (1980) conceptual metaphor, Mongolian and Korean image-schematic metaphors are in the following order: courage metaphor, movement metaphor, direction metaphor, and connection metaphor. In the image diagram, it was possible to know the conceptual structural difference between Mongolian and Korean based on the abstract body experience. An image schema is a conceptual representation that emerges from the interaction of the human body with this world. Image schema is a dynamic type based on human body movement through space. The image diagram that appeared in the mouth is shown as bowl diagram , movement diagram , direction diagram and appearance diagram . By recognizing the mouth of Mongolians and Koreans, you can learn about the culture and mindset of nomads and settlers.
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