최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현대몽골어 정서법의 문장부호 분석연구

A Study on the Analysis of Punctuation Marks in Modern Mongolian Orthography

  • 18

This article analyzed the contents of the ‘orthography(Зөв бичгийн дүрэм)’ in the new revision of the 『Mongolian Orthography Regulation Dictionary』 published in 2018 in terms of interpretation and translation, and summarized and introduced this in order to improve understanding of the newly revised Mongolian orthography which is newly enforced. For lack of space, we focused on ‘Punctuation marks to be used Mongolian script(Монгол бичигт хэрэглэх цэг цэглэл)’ corresponding to Chapters 8 of the contents of the ‘orthography(Зөв бичгийн дүрэм)’. Chapters 8 have not changed in terms of the contents from the previous 1983 version, but there is a slight difference in that the subheadings are given so that some headings of each chapter and the contents of each provision can be understood at once by making the most of the beauty of editing. Since the specific and overall contents about the Mongolian orthography have not been introduced in Korean, it can be said that the analysis, summary, and introduction of this are of great significance not only academically, but also practically in terms of promoting the understanding of the new revision of Mongolian orthography. In other words, it is important in terms of providing basic data necessary for majors of Mongolian and Mongolian studies and other related scholars.

1. 서론

2. ‘몽골문자에 사용하는 문장부호(Монгол бичигт хэрэглэх цэг цэглэл)’

3. 결론
