최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

칼 로저스의 인본주의 심리학과 영문학 교육

Carl Rogers’ Person-Centered Approach & English Literature Education

  • 39

This study aims to portray a desirable English literature class based on the Person-Centered Approach by Carl R. Rogers: further, I reflect on my experiences of teaching literature. The key to this approach is the belief that a student is in the process of becoming a person with an actualizing tendency. It is a conviction as well that a student can be a fully functioning individual when learning is facilitated. So, Rogers emphasizes learning how to learn for the students. That becomes possible when teachers allow the students to be subjects of learning, while creating a warm ambiance. According to Rogers, the three qualities of a facilitator-or a teacher are genuineness(or realness, congruence), unconditional positive regard, and empathy. This paper illuminates the traits, based on which we can draw insights on English literature education. When I look back on my teaching experiences in literature classes under the influence of Rogers, I can summarize four characteristics of my classes. First, I utilize a variety of mediums, such as art, music, and creative writing assignments to make the best of the written text so that the students can engage emotionally and intellectually as a whole person. Second, I try to provide decision-making opportunities to the learners and to make them responsible for their learning. Third, I encourage my students to collaborate with their teammates in small groups where the members can express and share their responses to literary texts among themselves. Lastly, I promote communication in my classes. To sum up, the best way of understanding the Person-Centered Approach is by realizing that students already have the potential to learn and that the teachers’ attitudes and philosophy are decisive in the learning achievement of the teachers as well as their students. Students should feel free to express their responses emotionally, intellectually, and kinesthetically rather than just accepting the experts’ interpretations. And teachers should accept students’ responses preciously. They should set aside their mask of expertise, while students should learn how to use their expertise as a resource. Teachers should also give students unconditional positive regard, care, and respect. In that way, all-students as well as teachers, -would grow. This is the insight that the Person-Centered Approach by Rogers provides on English literature education.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 로저스의 인본주의 심리학

Ⅲ. 영문학 수업 현장

Ⅳ. 수업의 실제: 대안적인 수업 방법

Ⅴ. 나의 영문학 수업을 돌아보며

Ⅵ. 나가며


