The Effects of Globalization on Korea
- 한국학술연구원
- Korea Observer
- Vol 53, No 1
- 2022.02
- 135 - 159 (25 pages)
There are a plethora of studies on globalization, yet few studies have examined the overall effects of globalization on Korea. Thus, in this study, we investigated the overall effects of globalization on Korea s economy, society, language, and culture. The Korean economy enjoyed further growth as globalization facilitated trade expansion. Yet, income inequality and wealth gap deteriorated. Globalization is expanding generational gap as the younger generation introduces changes in language usage. Social culture is altering from Confucianism and collectivism to individualism and materialism particularly among young people. International marriages raise many social issues as well. Children born in international or interethnic couple experience serious identity confusion, requiring the government s and society s support. Gender equality and low childbirth are serious problems for future economic growth. In summary, globalization helped Korea s economic growth, yet introduced many other issues.
I. Introduction
II. The Effects of Globalization on Korea
III. Conclusion and Discussion