최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『아버지와 아들』의 숨겨진 대비

The Hidden Contrast of Fathers and Sons: With a Focus on Princess R. and Odintsova

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2022.24.195
  • 177

In Ivan Turgenev s novel, Fathers and Sons, the contrast between the characters plays a significant role in the theme and characterization of the work. Quite a number of studies have, thus far, analyzed various contrasts between the main characters, especially the relationship between the father(s) and the son(s). However, studies that examine the relationship between Princess R. and Odintsova, which has important implications for the main theme of the work, have been quite limited. This study attempts to clarify that after defining Princess R. and Odintsova’s relationship as a quintessential mother-daughter relationship, their “hidden contrast” plays an important role in shaping the theme of the work. Above all, under the assumption that the Sphinx and Oedipus in Greek mythology represent the uncertainties in human life and the limitations of human reason, this study conducted an analysis on Princess R., Pavel, Odintsova, and Bazarov. In particular, noting that Princess R. and Odintsova are closely related to each other through the symbolic meaning of the “Sphinx,” this study attempted to define them as the “Sphinxes of solving mysteries” rather than the “Greek Sphinxes.” This hidden contrast between them will be of little but decisive help in understanding Pavel and Bazarov, and the main theme of the work, “eternal reconciliation with indifferent nature.”

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 소포클레스의 스핑크스와 오이디푸스

Ⅲ. 공작부인 P: 수수께끼를 푸는 스핑크스

Ⅳ. 사상적 모녀 관계: 공작부인과 오딘초바

Ⅴ. 결론
