The research was carried out investigate the effect of four repeated 50-90-50% humidification on the dimensional stability of Com-ply. manufactured according to the three specific gravity levels of particleboard core and veneer or plywood as the face back materials. The obstained results were summarized as foliows: Com-ply followed a pattern of increasing dimensions and weight on adsorption cycle and decreasing on the desorption cycle. After the fourth cycle, the dimensions and weight of Com-ply were greater than those of originally measured. Most part of increase in thickness, volume and weight of Com-ply occured during the first humidification cycle. The length, thickness and volume change of Com-ply increased the specific gravity of core board. The dimensional stability of Com-ply bonded with pltwood was better than that of the Com-ply bonded with vender. Genenally, the dimension stability of Com-ply bonded with 3mm thick veneer less than those of the other types of Com-ply.
1. 緖論
2. 硏究史
3. 材料 및 方法
4. 結果 및 考察
5. 結論
6. 參考文獻