최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

뉴 오피스 환경과 경영혁신에 관한 연구 ( 6 )

New Office Environment and Innovation of the Management ( 6 ): The Change of Office Environment and Workspace Module

With progress of information society, importance of office environment is largely emphasized. This paper is the sixth of series research for the New office Environment and Information of the Management . This time, it is on the Change of Office Environment and Workspace Module Especially in this paper, it was reviewed that historical changing process of office from 1950’s to 1990’ sand each characteristies of the years were reported. The 1950’s was the time that we inherited furniture from the U.N. forces after the Korean War. And in the 1960 s, it started making low quality furniture by means of our technique. The furniture made of plywood or decorated board, and iron furniture appeared in the 1970’s. And in the 1980 s, improvement of quality was accomplished with increase of income and furniture exportation had started. In 1990, the campaign for lmprovement of office environment was developted and system furniture was provided. Analysis showed that the change of Office Environment as it stated is caused by the change of corporate, conscience of office worker, and installation technique. And about the type of workspace, described each characteristics by classifying it into Cellular type, Team Office type , Island type , Semi open Workstation type, Semi-Closed Workstation type, Office Landscape type and Combi-Office type.

1. 서론

2. 오피스 환경의 변천

3. 오피스 환경의 변화요인

4. 쾌적한 오피스 공간의 창출방법

5. 사무형태의 사례연구

6. 결론및 금후의 과제

