To utilize the waste materials and de velop wood adhesive fom isolated bloods of slaughtered pig and also to prevent water pollution, simple and rapid method of isolation and purification of plasma proteins fom pig bloods with trichloroacetic acid(TCA) treatment was developed. The optimum hot pressing condition was obtain at 120 C, 3 minutes and 10 kgf/cm2 and appropriate moisture content of veneer was 11 percent for the manufacture of plywood(thickness ; about 4.5mm) bonded with TCA-precipitated blood glue . The resuits of dry and w ε t tensile shear test for the strength of TCA-precipitated blood glue was quite satisfactory compared to amino resin.
1. 緖論
2. 材料 및 方法
3. 結果 및 考察
4. 結論