최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

潭陽地域 완대, 분죽 및 맹종죽의 生長特性

Growing characteristics of Phyllostachys bambusoides , Phyllostachys nigra var. Henonis , and Phyllostachys pubescens grown in Damyang district

This study was performed to investigate the growing characteristics of Phyllostachys banbusoides, Plyllostachys nigra var, henonis, and Phyllostachys pubescens grown in Damyang district in Korea. The average bamboo height of P. Bambusoidrs, P.cigra var. Henonis, and P. pubescens was 16.2m,14.6m,and 13.4m, respectively. The maximum internodal diameter P. pubescens was 100mm, which were larger than 84mm of P. bambusosides or 79mm of P. nigra var. henonis. The maximum bamboo thickness of P. pubescens was 15.9mm in the butt end, which was larger than 12.0mm of bambusoides or 9.9mm of P.nigra var henonis.

1. 緖論

2. 材料 및 方法

3. 結果 및 考察

4. 結論

