This study aims to organize the research ways of interior design for clothing stores as a management strategy in the market changing rapidly. The public met their needs in a mass production system. However, the brand-name companies began to create the conditions of consumption for people, there appeared people with new lifestyles and new way of thoughts so that their propensity to consume resulted in consumption activities, and it became varied, individual, and highly qualified. Therefore, in view of consumers priority, based on 51 sales environment this paper aims to create a new image by re-designing the interior and furniture of shops which will help to enhance the image of brand name. Therefore, the brand-name companies will expect a large sale for the new product and it will apply to sales environments of other products and influence them. The purpose of this paper is to find a desirable way to increase sales efficiency for the companies. In order to get a concept and propriety of sales environment design. examined mutual relation to each study of interior design, marketing, and fashion design. Through referring to the documents research of these three fields I could get a conception and basic structure for them. Based on the theoretical knowledge, this study was made to show to examine and generalize the existing sales environments and situations and set up a new concept for this. It will apply to interior design and store holds and present a new design alternative for improvement.
1. 서론
2. 판매환경과 VMD에 대한 이론적 고찰
3. 현황조사
4. 디자인 단계
5. 결론