The ultrastructural characteristics of shear fracture surfaces of laminated wood prepared from major four Korean wood specimens were examined. Commercial urea and urethan resin were used as adhesives for laminated woods of both homospecies and heterospecies. The morphology of fracture surface was observed using an optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Three anatomical failure types were recognized: intercell failure, intrawall failure and transwall failure. In dry specimen, failure occurred mainly in woods. Laminated woods of softwoods showed mostly intrawall failure and transwall failure of tracheids, and them of hardwoods indicated mainly intrawall failure and interwall failure. Laminated woods prepared with urethan resin showed coarse fracture surface, on the other hand, those prepared with an urea formaldehyde resin had clean surface. In wet specimen, failure occurred dominantly in glue line. Intrawall failure and flags were characterized in laminated wood prepared with urethan resin. In heterospecies laminated woods, failure was occurred mainly in softwood. Consequently, fracture morphology of laminated wood may be influenced by adhesives, moisture content, species and anatomical characteristics.
1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론
5. 참고문헌