Designers in Korea have stuck to development of furniture which has high reliance of foreign national resources. They made mistake that they didn t try to make inroads into the world market. They have kept production system of labor intensive method till 1990. They imitated foreign manufactures to win in domestic economy. It became the complete lack of exploitation experience and brought stagnation of design which couldn t defeat. Now Korea is making progressive impression in territory of an electron and information in a foreign market. A new progress of furniture design which was developed centering around a digital suggest a new appearance that will lead a future with modernization in a space of residence. This sis a new starting point which was most completed by anyone. If we will prepare without delay we can take part in a world market with competitive power.
1. 서론
2. 성장하는 라이프스타일 디자인산업
3. 변화의 예측
4. 라디오에서 디지털 영상으로
5. 기계의 범람
6. 기계와의 조화
7. Plugged furniture 전원에 연결된 가구
8. Digit all furniture 의 상용화
9. 결론
10. 참고문헌