최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Effect of external compressive load during a continuous radio-frequency/vacuum process on movement behavior

Movement behavior, shrinkage and equilibrium moisture content (EMC), in this experiment reflected a change of hygroscopicity mainly affected by continuously compressive load during radio-frequency/vacuum (RF/V) drying and humidity changes during equilibrating. As a result of interaction of the compressive load and moisture content changing under the RF/V condition, the shrinkages in loading direction were significantly increased while those perpendicular to loading direction were decreased. The shrinkages were affected most in tangential, and least in longitudinal direction. The shrinkages showed higher values in continuous drying than in intermittent drying. In the direction of increased shrinkage, all the movements were also increased, for example, the tangential movement for the loaded-RS and the radial movement for loaded-TS| in the direction of decreased shrinkage, all the movements except the tangential movement for the loaded-TS were decreased such as the tangential and radial movements for the loaded-ES, and the radial movement for the loaded-RS, comparing with those of the load-free. EMCs of the loaded specimens were all higher than that of the load-free specimen, and the highest for the loaded-TS, the lowest for the loaded-ES. The transverse hygroscopicity of specimen was reduced for the loaded-ES, but increased for the loaded-TS.

1. Introduction

2. Materials And Procedures

3. Results And Discussuons

4. Conclusions

5. Literature Cited
