최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

업 사이클(Up-cycle)벤치 디자인 연구

A Study on Up-cycle Bench Design

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in global environmental problems, and various methods have been proposed to solve problems in each field. In the design field, since the 1990s, various proposals have been made to protect the environment through various attempts such as environmental-friendly, eco, recycling, up-cycle and sustainable design, and design, development are gradually being promoted. In this study, a new up-cycled furniture design was attempted using chairs for students thrown away in elementary, middle, and high schools. It has the advantage of helping to protect the environment by reducing energy use compared to new general products. This product has great significance in that it found the reuse value of recycled products and confirmed the sales competitiveness of the products compared to those sold in the market. In particular, processing using digital data and digital equipment seems to have served as an opportunity to break away from the stereotypes represented by single item production and handicraft production.

1. 서론

2. 친환경 디자인의 이론적 고찰

3. 학생용 걸상을 활용한 업 사이클 벤치제작

4. 결론

