가시오가피 추출물을 함유한 구강세정제에 의한 구강환경의 변화 분석
Analysis of Changes in the Oral Environment by Mouthwash Containing Acanthopanax senticosus Extract
- 한국구강보건과학회
- 한국구강보건과학회지
- 한국구강보건과학회지 제10권 제1호
- 2022.03
- 62 - 69 (8 pages)
Objectives: This study was conducted to confirm changes in the oral environment by halitosis and saliva analysis following the use of mouthwash containing Acanthopanax senticosus extract. Methods: A total of 30 subjects were randomly assigned to distilled water gargle group, Listerine gargle group, and Acanthopanax senticosus extract gargle group. Each mouthwash was administered twice a day immediately after waking up and before going to bed, which was repeated for a total of 4 days to observe changes in halitosis and saliva. Results: The mouthwash containing the Acanthopanax senticosus extract improved halitosis. Saliva analysis also showed that it is effective in oral health. Conclusions: The mouthwash containing a natural substance, Acanthopanax senticosus extract is deemed suitable as an effective and safe oral care product.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론