최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Brief analysis of China s legal regulations on Bitcoin

DOI : 10.22397/wlri.2022.38.1.207
  • 12


Bitcoin (BTC) is an encrypted digital currency based on open source P2P software, Hash algorithm and blockchain technology, which is constantly attracting domestic and foreign investors to compete for mining because of its decentralized, non-additional and infinitely segmented characteristics. As a result, bitcoin has continued to rise since its appearance on the Internet trading platform in 2009, but its drawbacks of not being controlled by the government have caused it to experience a cycle of spurt growth and diving decline. Although China implements one-size-fits-all management measures in Bitcoin regulation and uses the word must not in relevant documents, the trading volume of Bitcoin in China remains high, and it has spawned criminal supervision, financial system, and social market risks, constantly challenging the nerves of government regulators. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics and risks of Bitcoin, this paper discusses the two documents issued in 2013 and the Announcement on Preventing the Risk of Token Issuance and Financing issued in 2017, clarifying China s regulatory attitude towards Bitcoin, with a view to providing new ideas for national governance of Bitcoin.

Ⅰ. 比特币的属性及特征厘清

Ⅱ. 比特币引发的社会问题

Ⅲ. 比特币法律规制的国际经验

Ⅳ. 中国规制比特币的法律规定及影响分析

Ⅴ. 结语

Ⅰ. The properties and characteristics of Bitcoin are clarified

Ⅱ. Social Issues caused by Bitcoin

Ⅲ. International experience in Bitcoin legal regulation

Ⅳ. China s legal provisions and impact analysis on Bitcoin regulation

Ⅴ. Epilogue
