최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

여성어의 의미 가치 하락

The Pejoration of the Female Language

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2022.30.1.03
  • 332

The purpose of this study is to examine seven korean women s languages whose value has declined as a result of changing the meaning. ‘kyeycip’, ‘nyeon’, ‘manura’, ‘yeopyeonne’, ‘agassi’, ‘ajumma’, ‘eonni’ are women s languages commonly used in modern korean. When they were used at first, they were honorifics or general form, but now they are also used as low form. Each word has been added the evaluation results such as disappointment that falls short of certain expectations, derogation, and sexual objectification based on disrespect for women. This study will examines the use of words from middle korean to modern korean and summarizes the aspect of their pejoration.

1. 서론

2. 연구 방법 및 연구 대상

3. 여성어의 지위

4. 한국어 여성어의 의미 변천

5. 여성어의 가치 하락 양상

6. 결론
