Sports Scientific Approach for Martial Arts Development
- International Journal of Martial Arts
- vol.7 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.03
- 37 - 46 (10 pages)
Purpose: Martial arts can be related to the scientificization of the sporting process in the case of the body and the scientificization of the mind in the case of the mind, considering the two major flows of training the body and mind. Method: Scientificization related to physical training can promote future-oriented sports science with activa-tion of convergence based on existing sports science, and cultivation of the mind can suggest scientificization to pursue new areas of philosophical thinking and the spiritual world. Therefore, based on the holistic training for the training of body and mind, it is made up of an academic approach for comprehensive scientificization. In the course of attempts for academic development and social contribution, various fields of science are promoting field-oriented basic guidelines, systematic review, high-level technology and qualitative evaluation, along with efforts to find evidence-based principles. Results: Martial arts activities are carried out in the form of sports activities, promoting optimization and maximization of physical fitness and technical factors, and are based on related physiology, nutrition, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, motor control and learning. In addition, the academic approach of sports science, including the physical conditioning and training theory of athletes, and industrial and environmental engineering related to efficient facilities, equipment, implement, and environment, will be the main content. Conclusion: The scientific approach for the future-oriented activation of martial arts requires the establishment of an intensive scientific support system for concrete scientificization in terms of the practical value and utilization of martial arts activities based on the establishment of academic identity. In addition, for the science of martial arts, it is necessary to promote advanced convergence science, globalization centered on trends and popularity in Korea, systematic nurturing of research personnel related to martial arts sports, establishment of a cluster of martial arts sports-related infrastructure, and popularization and industrialization of martial arts sports.
1. Introduction
2. Basic Approach to Scientific Martial Arts
3. Advanced Fusion, Promotion of Complex Scientificization
4. Promotion of Globalization of Martial Arts Activities
5. Nurturing Research Manpower for the Science of Martial Arts and Establishment of Related Infrastructure
6. Popularization and Industrialization of Martial Arts Sports
7. Conclusion
8. References
9. Appendix