Effects of Taekwondo Breaking Player s Self-Management on Stress and Performance
- International Journal of Martial Arts
- vol.7 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.03
- 13 - 24 (12 pages)
Purpose: This study is meaningful in analyzing in detail how the self-management of demon-stration members of college Taekwondo demonstration events affects their stress and perfor-mance. In addition, this is to provide basic data for follow-up studies that help improve performance and prescribe for exercise stress based on thorough self-management of Taekwondo demonstration team members. Method: For this study, a survey was conducted on college Taekwondo demonstration mem-bers for about 4 months. The purpose and intent of the study were fully explained to the coaches of each team, and consent was sought. This researcher and research assistant visited the training site of Taekwondo demonstration teams and conducted a survey. A survey was con-ducted after explaining the preparation method, purpose, and intent of the study to the participants who voluntarily participated in this study. Results: As a result of a regression analysis on the effect of self-management of college Taekwondo demonstration members on performance, it was found that body management, in-terpersonal management, training management, and mental management, which are sub-Factor s of self-management, were not statistically significant. In addition, the regression model shows a value of F from p<.001 to .325 and R²=.012 for the regression equation, showing 1.2% ex-planatory power of the total variance. Conclusion: As a result of examining the relationship between exercise stress and self-management of members of the college Taekwondo demonstration team, it was found that men-tal management had an effect on unfair behavior among sub-Factor s of exercise stress. For time constraints, physical and mental management had an effect. It was found that mental management had an effect on functional discontent and career concern. Second, it was found that all Factor s did not affect the effect of self-management of college Taekwondo demonstra-tion members on performance. Third, it was found that all Factor s did not affect the effect of the exercise stress of college Taekwondo demonstration members on their performance.
1. Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion and Suggestion
6. References
7. Appendix