최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Factors of Influence for the Acceptance of Nuclear Power Generation: With a Focus on the Enhancement of Corporate Image Via Sports Cultural Marketing

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2022.7.1.20
  • 23

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to structurally examine and understand how the acceptance of nuclear power generation occurs via the sports cultural marketing activities for enhancing corporate image. Method: In this study, a quantitative study via a questionnaire was conducted for men and women aged 20 years or older residing in area K. In a survey conducted for 500 residents in the nuclear power plant area, a sam-ple of 456 (91.2%) people was extracted, and the results of the survey were analyzed by using the PASW18.0 and the AMOS 18.0 statistical programs, while the hypothesis was tested at the level of statistical significance at p<.05. Results: As a result of the correlation analysis performed, the relationship between the constructs turned out to be a positive (+) correlation, and hence, the direction of the relationship between the variables presented by the research model and the research hypothesis was consistent, while the significance level also satisfied p<.05. As a result of the fit of assessment performed for the research model, IFI=.979, FMIN=.229, NFI=.973, RMSEA=.076, TLI=.986, and CFI=.979 were demonstrated. The overall fit index demonstrated in the research model was χ2(41)=104.032, p<.000. Hypothesis 1 was dismissed as the relationship between the sports cultural marketing and the acceptance of nuclear power generation of Hypothesis 1 (Estimate=.005, C.R.=.080) had no significant effect at the level of significance p<.05. Furthermore, the relationship between the sports cultural marketing and the corporate image of Hypothesis 2 (Estimate=.652, C.R.=14.299) turned out to have a significant influence at the level of significance p<.001, and hence, Hypothesis 2 was adopted. Hypothesis 3 was adopted since the relationship between the corporate image and the acceptance of nuclear power generation (Estimate=.541, C.R.=8.865) of Hypothesis 3 turned out to have a significant effect at the level of significance p<.001. Conclusion: Gathering the results above, first, the KHNP s sports cultural marketing activities did not directly influence the acceptance of nuclear power generation as a matter of causal variable. Second, the KHNP s sports cultural marketing ought to be utilized as a means for increasing the acceptance of nuclear power generation by local residents through the zero high corporate image while acting as a major activity to enhance the corporate image. Accordingly, it is evident that the sentiment induced by the KHNP s sports cultural marketing activities will operate as an important tool in shaping the general local residents reaction towards the KHNP.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusions

6. References

7. Appendix
