최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Effect of Police Officers Organizational Fairness Regulations and Power Distance Tendency on Organizational Effectiveness

DOI : 10.22471/Regulations.2022.7.1.30
  • 13

Purpose: This study comprehensively identified which of the sub-Factor s of organizational fairness they per-ceived had a positive effect on organizational effectiveness. In addition, this study verified how power distance tendency, an individual characteristic variable, affects the relationship between their job satisfaction, organiza-tional commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. Method: The scope and method of this study are as follows. First, the time range of the study ran from Decem-ber 1, 2020 until December 30, 2020, and the spatial range of the study was the Daegu Metropolitan Police Agency, 10 police stations affiliated, and 31 patrol divisions within the police station. Second, as for the method of the study, a reference study and an empirical study were concurrently conducted via a questionnaire survey. Results: The results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that the organizational fairness perceived by police officers had a significant positive effect on organizational effectiveness. Second, in the influence of power distance tendency on organizational effectiveness, it was found that the higher the power distance tendency, the more negative effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. Conclusion: The implications of this study are as follows. First, the establishment of a fair police organizational culture should precede. Second, in order to ensure that individual police officers have an active and positive attitude in enhancing organizational effectiveness, organizational efforts should be made to resolve complaints based on compensation results. Third, it is necessary to solve operational problems by receiving expert diagnoses on the operation of the performance-based pay system of the police organization and to actively collect and reflect the opinions of police officers who are subject to application.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. Research Design

4. The Results of the Empirical Analysis

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
