최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Present Status and Development Plan of Citizen Participation: Focused on the Autonomous Police System

DOI : 10.22471/Regulations.2022.7.1.11
  • 13

Purpose: This study aims to examine the current status of citizen participation in the self-governing police system, which has been implemented since July 1, 2021, focusing on metropolitan municipalities in Korea, and to suggest improvement plans for revitalization. Method: The research method was based on the website of local government, government statistics data, and academic papers. Results: The current citizen participation in the self-governing police system is limited to formal participation because there is a lack of system and support to be a citizen participation. Conclusion: As an improvement plan, first, it is necessary to open a unique homepage and strengthen the publicity in order to actively encourage citizens participation. In other words, it is necessary to actively promote and provide institutional support so that local citizens can actively know and participate in the main policies of the autonomous police committee. Second, active interactive communication plans should be sought to promote citizen participation (regular meetings, holding briefing sessions, etc.). Third, it is necessary to seek cooperation in the level of co-production in the security services. Fourth, it is the enactment of ordinances by local governments that can activate citizen participation. Fifth, the activation of citizen participation through the network construction of police cooperation organizations and civic groups related to security services should be promoted. For the success-ful settlement of the self-governing police system, citizen participation should be activated so that it can be a police activity that meets the needs of residents and the residents who are the purpose of the self-governing police system.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Discussion on Citizen Participation and Co-production

3. Current Status of Citizen Participation Following the Introduction of the Autonomous Police System

4. Problems and Development Plans of Citizen Participation in the Autonomous Police System

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
