최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Adaptation to the South Korean Society for the Survival of the North Korean Defectors: With a Focus on Job Satisfaction according to the Period of Service of the South Korean Security Police

DOI : 10.22471/value.2022.7.1.81
  • 10

Purpose: The Korean Peninsula of the Northeast Asia is the only divided country in the world, and unlike South Korea, North Korea is isolated from against the rest of the international community due to the socialist ideology and oppression of its dictatorship, and the human rights of the North Koreans are very serious given the economic sanctions. The number of the North Korean defectors is increasing each day. Hence, through the job satisfaction according to the period of service of the security police, who can directly or indirectly support the North Korean defectors in South Korea, which is the most frequently selected by North Korean defectors, a plan for the North Korean defectors for settling in the South Korean society has been presented. Method: In this study, among police officers in the security department as of 2020 who had experience in work related North Korean defectors, 100 trainees in the Police Human Resources Development Institute were surveyed via self-administration method. Among the collected survey questionnaires, 91 were selected as valid samples, excluding those whose answers were incomplete or missing. Results: First, there is a difference in the job satisfaction according to the total period of service in the police organization. As a result of the analysis performed, Q-3 and Q-4 were high at the 5% level. As for Q-5, 20 years or longer turned out to be higher at 1% level than 6 or longer and 10 years and less and 11 or more years and 15 years or less. Q-3 is a response for “I have considerable discretion in performing my job.” Q-4 is a response for “I think that the division of duties and the relationship of authority and responsibility among the organizational employees are clarified and efficient work assignment is made.” Second, there is a difference in the police’s job satisfaction according to security and service period among police organizations. As a result of the analysis performed, at the level of 5%, as for Q-1, 10 years or longer turned out to be more satisfied with their current job and position as a police officer than 2 years or less. Q-1 is a response for I don t think the salary level is low compared to my job.“ Conclusion: Given the unfortunate political and historical experiences of the South Korean society, there is a critical perception of the security police, and it is necessary to strengthen the capabilities of the security police to support the North Korean defectors. Naturally, there may be criticisms as such, but it is worth considering schol-arly from the point of view of the modern liberal state philosophy such that the state exists to protect the lives and bodies of the people and human security, which has gradually expanded its scope entering the 21st century.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Research Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
