최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Operation and Improvement of Extracurricular Curriculum based on the University s Core Competency for Public Value: Focused on O University

DOI : 10.22471/value.2022.7.1.01
  • 6

Purpose: This study was conducted with the purpose of proposing the direction necessary for the balanced op-eration of the university’s core competency based curricula (major and liberal arts) and extracurricular curriculum of O University, objective evaluation and quality management of extracurricular programs based on the case analysis of other universities extracurricular operation and management systems and of providing the basic data. Method: First, the case studies on the competency based extracurricular curriculum’s operation and manage-ment systems of other universities are analyzed. Second, the competency based extracurricular curriculum’s operation and management system centered on each core competency, type, and operating department for the 2021 academic year of O University are analyzed. Third, the directions for the future core competency based extracurric-ular curriculum’s operation and management system directions for O University are presented. Results: As for the problems for the operation of the extracurricular program through the case of extracurricular performance management of other universities include the imbalance of core competency and detailed competency programs, lack of connection with the major curriculum, and the lack of communication and collaboration for each center for the prevention of the duplication of extracurricular programs, which require the continuous improvement and quality control of the extracurricular program. Furthermore, it is difficult to provide the students with the necessary extracurricular program information, and it is also necessary to strengthen the performance system to ensure that the extracurricular program performance management system is a mileage scholarship sys-tem depending on whether the students have completed the course and can be used as a career in employment. Conclusion: As a measure to address the imbalance for the extracurricular programs by core competency and induce the active participation of students, by developing and operating an integrated curriculum for each department linking the curriculum and extracurricular curriculum, it will play such a practical mediating role in fostering talents by department, while extending opportunities to strengthen the students various competencies and playing a supporting role in providing an opportunity to strengthen the human body, thereby providing changes for growth as a whole person.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Research Results

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

5. References

6. Appendix
