A Classification and Characteristic of Lexicon in Ethic Development SuanXueQiMeng Class
- Robotics & AI Ethics
- vol.7 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.03
- 56 - 64 (9 pages)
Purpose: The GwangJaemulbo was a middle version edition from in a 1798, the Jaemulbo with which had been known by Encyclopedia written in the 19century, differ from nature, human, material. The reason why has been who the people frame a hypothesis that remade with a contaminant and object, but collect words. Numerical figure was counted by polygraph & sub-entries, improved the lexicon, recollect diverse different versions. The purpose of Vocabulary lesson in enlightening brain cell rule sense of social society has supplemented with mental culture. Method: The Suanxueqimeng in china Transcription materials in from those receive radio signals. Benran zhi xing is on the Mulmyeonggo. Master of Choi Seok-jeong’s Gusuryak has been learning, compared with Yinyang and Wuxing of the Positive School in mathematics principles. In terms of ecological history, this paper analyzed the names of animals and plants that need to be examined in the context of ecological history among the Korean equivalents found in Mulmyeonggo. Results: Arithmetic of Humanities, geography, astronomy application, adopted with humanities and social sciences. Therefore, solar and lunar copula are Jaemulbo . The realist were aware of the following facts Access to culture, language access is the fastest way. Among the approaches to language vocabulary is the fastest way. The right way to approach cultural language is a way to access. Regarding the nature of headwords, it was pointed out that there was on influence of Chinese literature by mentioning cases based on gender, direction, season, age, size, color. Regarding the importance of Mulmyeonggo in folk history, this study found that the book included various vocabulary that sheds light on the folklife in Joseon during the period. Conclusion:『Jaemulbo』in the 18th century and『Mulmyeonggo』,『Gwangjaemulbo』in the 19th century inherited『Donguibogam-tangaekpyeon』genealogy. Their basic book had been『Bonchogangmok』(1596) in China. In addition, based on the aggregated figures, the distribution of synonyms, foreign languages, and the author’s opinions was reviewed, and the characteristics according to the frequency were examined. This research on natures books that was educating wording , self-examination, learning contexts awaken human is maturing continuously.
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. Ecological Notes
4. Geography and Science of Changes in Nine Chapter Arithmetic
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix