최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Cyber Education for Korean Traditional Seodang Culture and Its Some Implication to Multiculturalism in the Korean Society

DOI : 10.22471/ai.2022.7.1.44
  • 37

Purpose: This study aims to find a way to apply Korean traditional Seodang culture to cyber education and bring some implication to modern Korean society’s multiculturalism. To this end, it understands the characteristics of knowledge and education in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. That is the next-generation industrial revolution made up of the convergence of information and communication technology (ICT). Method: The specific method for this study is based on literature research. To back up the field experience, authors visited the Korean traditional Seodang and interviewed with its Teacher (called Hunjang). Results: The 4th industrial revolution has brought about digital natives who can understand and utilize that civilization freely. They make great use of and enjoy digital environments such as personal computer, cellular phone, and the internet. These digital natives are consumers and producers of civilization at the same time. In particular, there has been a great transition from untact to ontact after beginning of COVID-19. Requests to consider virtual reality and metaverse have increased. This study suggested some concrete ways to respond to such a trend of civilization transformation. Conclusion: Digital civilization is not limited to education, but dominates the entire modern civilization. There-fore, a practical way to adapt the very traditional Seodang culture to this modern civilization was presented. Such efforts break away from the passive attitude of continuing the tradition. Furthermore, it will contribute to strengthening the media literacy competency of today s youth and bridging the digital gap between the traditions of the past and modern civilization. Seodang, a traditional cultural content in modern Korean society, is expected to be a medium that goes beyond just one of cultural assets and enriches the complex and diverse multicultural situation. This idea comes from that Seodang in the Korean tradition attempted a voluntary bottum-up of voluntary education oriented toward the spirit of the times in a rural society. Modern Seodang culture can be contribut-ed to Korean modern multicultural society.

1. Introduction

2. Features of Cyber Contents

3. Content Creation Process of VR

4. A Way to Apply Korean Traditional Seodang Culture to Cyber Education and Some Implication to Modern Korean Multicultural Environment

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
