최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

연어의 개념과 연어 구성

The Concept of Collocations and The Composition of Collocations: Focusing on The Unit Noun Composition

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2022.113.37
  • 191

The purpose of this study is to present an objective research perspective on the concept of Korean ‘Collocations’ and the ‘Collocations Composition’. To this end, existing studies were closely examined. In addition, the concept and composition of Collocations were newly defined by comprehensively analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of these studies. The study concluded as follows. 1. The corpus data are not suitable for Collocations extraction. It should be used for confirmation. 2. Collocations Composition is where vocabulary elements are located together. The Grammar element is excluded. 3. Collocations satisfies ‘morphological conditions’, ‘syntactic conditions’, and ‘semantic conditions’. 4. Collocations consists of a mutually selective relationship. 5. Collocations is located in the middle of the “Free combination–Collocations–Idiom” spectrum, but its boundaries are ambiguous, making it difficult to distinguish. 6. The unit noun composition is Collocations because it has very few choices. And it helps to understand the concept of Collocations.

1. 머리말

2. 연어와 연어 구성

3. 단위명사 구성과 연어 구성

4. 결론
