This corpus-based study investigated the distributions of Korean reflexives, by comparing various syntactic conditions involved in binding phenomena. The study especially focused on how various grammatical/syntactic features of Korean reflexives and their antecedents, including the conditions on binding proposed by Standard Binding Theory (SBT, Chomsky, 1980, 1981, 1986), are represented in corpus data. Six hundred sentences containing different Korean reflexives extracted from Sejong corpus were encoded through manual coding of 8 grammatical/syntactic conditions. Then, the encoded conditions were analyzed statistically. The results related to grammatical features showed that the reflexives demonstrated different distributions with respect to basic syntactic conditions (i.e., person, number, case of the antecedent, etc.). On the other hand, the results with STB-related binding conditions (i.e., c-command and binding domain) indicated that Korean reflexives did not seem to satisfy STB-conditions in most cases. The overall results suggest that SBT is not sufficient to explain most of binding phenomena in Korean. Instead, some other factors such as discourse-pragmatic conditions should be considered to discuss the full span of Korean binding.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 코퍼스 활용 한국어 재귀사 연구
4. 논의 및 결론