최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

온라인 프로젝트기반 학습모형 적용과 효과

Effects of Online Project-Based Learning Application: A Case of Engineering Accounting Course

DOI : 10.18108/jeer.2022.25.2.13
  • 115

In many existing studies, the analyses on the application and effect of the project-based learning model (PBL), a student-centered teaching and learning strategy, have been emphasized and carried out in various majors and courses. This case study analyzes the effects of applying a project-based learning model to the engineering accounting course for engineering students in 2021 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with the offline course in 2019 and the simple online course in 2020. Project team consistingof 2-3 students carried out online collaborative learning activities for solving open-ended problems through the 5-step PBL procedure including presenting the final result. Except for this online PBL application in 2021, textbooks, lecture contents, assignments, and tests were implemented the same for each semester for three years. Through lecture evaluation and survey by students, the online PBL application semester showed higher effects in inducing student-centered learning, lecture satisfaction, and student competencyimprovement compared to the non-applying semesters, further, it was evaluated that the online PBL application to the course and evaluation method were more appropriate than other semesters. It is expected that the online PBL method and operation procedure applied in this study can be utilized as a best practice for the design and operation of various online courses for student-centered collaborative learning activities and educational effects.

I. 서 론

II. 기존 연구

III. 공학회계 온라인 PBL 구성과 운영

IV. 온라인 PBL 효과

V. 결 론

