최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Two types of classifier reduplications in Mandarin

DOI : 10.17250/khisli.39.1.202203.007
  • 3

Reduplication is a word formation process, which has been widely attested across languages. Mandarin is a language that shows extensive range of reduplication across different categories such as a classifier. However, despite its widespread use of classifier reduplication, the syntax of reduplicated classifiers has not been well understood in the current literature. This paper addresses the syntax of reduplicated classifiers by focusing on the two issues: (i) the category of a reduplicated classifier, and (ii) the syntactic derivation of classifier reduplication. As for issue (i), we propose that classifier reduplication creates two different syntactic categories, namely D(eterminer) and A(djective), building on novel empirical evidence not provided in the previous studies. Regarding issue (ii), building on head movement analysis of Travis (2003) on reduplication, we propose that a CL head undergoes head movement which results in the proposed categorial status of reduplication, i.e., D and A. This paper not only contributes to the understanding of syntax of classifier reduplication in Mandarin, but also provides support for the current view that reduplication can be motivated by syntax (Basciano and Melloni 2017; Kimper 2008; Travis 2003).

1. Introduction

2. Previous approaches to classifier reduplication

3. Categorial status of reduplicated classifiers: D and A

4. Syntax of reduplicated classifiers

5. Conclusion

